Fertility Medications 101: A Beginner’s Guide

From intrauterine insemination (IUI) to in vitro fertilization (IVF), fertility medications often play a crucial role in fertility treatments. These medications help optimize various aspects of fertility and reproductive function, including stimulating ovulation and preparing the uterine lining. There are many types of fertility medications that specialists may recommend, which can feel overwhelming if you’re […]

Financial Planning for LGBTQ+ Family Building

There are few things more exciting than starting a family. However, for LGBTQ+ couples and individuals, navigating egg or sperm donation, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization (IVF), or intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be overwhelming at times, especially when you factor in the costs of these treatments. To celebrate Pride Month, we want to discuss how aspiring […]

Mental Health and the Financial Strain of Fertility Treatments

Fertility treatments are physically and emotionally demanding — not to mention expensive. As you navigate your family-building journey, it’s important to find ways to manage the financial stress that comes with treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Fortunately, there is support available to help you through fertility care and make it […]

Fertility and Financial Wellness: Tips for Managing Costs

Navigating fertility care is challenging, and it can become even more stressful when you have to ensure your financial wellness throughout the entire process. Luckily, there are ways to manage the costs associated with fertility treatments so that you can concentrate on what matters most — growing your family. As we advocate for quality fertility […]

Understanding the Cost of IVF Medication in Your Fertility Journey

There’s no denying that finances play a significant role in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. The total amount you pay for a complete IVF cycle encompasses many components, including testing, appointments, egg retrieval, follow-up care, etc. But did you know that the fertility medications your reproductive endocrinologist prescribes to you can significantly impact your […]

Understanding IVF Costs and How to Make it More Affordable in 2024

Navigating the financial aspects of in vitro fertilization (IVF) can sometimes feel as complex as the treatment itself. However, taking the time to thoroughly research and understand your options can help you lower costs. Before beginning IVF, it’s advisable to discuss options with your doctor or financial professionals. Additionally, many fertility clinics offer programs, such […]

Celebrating Life: Budget-Friendly Ways to Mark Milestones on Your Fertility Journey in 2024

Celebrating achievements and marking milestones along your fertility journey can be a meaningful and empowering experience. Whether you plan to undergo in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), or other fertility treatment, this article offers budget-friendly ways to mark important milestones during the process.  Celebrate the Beginning of Your Journey Planning to bring a new baby […]

Testimonials of Hope: Reflecting on the Fertility Journey

As we come to the end of the year, we at Bundl Fertility are reflecting on the many people we’ve helped achieve their dreams of becoming parents. We are truly touched by all the aspiring parents who have been able to focus on their family-building journey with less financial stress thanks to our multi-cycle IVF […]

Fertility Care Acronym Guide: Decoding the Jargon for Your Journey

For aspiring parents who are just taking the first step in their fertility journey, the sheer amount of new information can feel like a lot to take in. It can be especially confusing to learn the many acronyms. To help you navigate through this alphabetical maze, here’s a short list of some of the most […]

Fertility and Festivity: A Guide to a Managing Stress During the Holidays

Experiencing infertility during the holiday season can be emotionally challenging. Prioritizing your emotional well-being will help you navigate this difficult time. Here are some suggestions to help you stay in a hopeful, balanced state of mind:  Give yourself permission to feel: Allow yourself to acknowledge and validate your emotions. It’s okay to feel a range […]